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The Art of Beautiful blossoms in our gardens

Posted in News on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 by The Beachcomber Correspondent

Mother Nature has generously bestowed upon us a rich natural heritage. Allowing travellers to experience this natural brilliance, as they enjoy a one-of-a-kind Mauritian getaway, is our vocation. We make every effort to carefully tend to and safeguard our island's natural beauty. Our gardens are a testament of this commitment, hosting a diverse array of palm trees, majestic banyans, exotic endemic species, and vibrant tropical flowers, proudly adorning each of our eight Beachcomber resorts. Step into the magical ambiance of our gardens and join us in discovering their most captivating secrets.

Beachcomber, a group committed to the preservation of nature

Environmental and Social Charter: the 52 commitments adopted by Beachcomber
Aligned with the principles of the EarthCheck certification, a guiding body for our group for several years in our quest to reduce our carbon emissions, we have developed an environmental and social policy outlined in our 52 commitments charter. Across its eight pillars, this charter underlines the measures implemented within our head offices and resorts for a more responsible tourism: sustainable water management, choosing greener energy, waste management, environmental preservation and biodiversity, responsible sourcing, community support, engagement of our Artisans and the contribution of our guests towards this engagement.

Responsible resort management and maintenance
Amongst the initiatives undertaken, many are primarily focused on the development and conservation of our gardens.

Water management
Water is a precious resource and to minimise its usage, we have chosen to irrigate nearly 100% of our gardens with treated wastewater. We have also implemented alternative water supply solutions. Each hotel is equipped with a wastewater treatment plant, and in the case of Trou aux Biches Beachcomber and Paradis Beachcomber, a water desalination plant has been installed.

Preservation of biodiversity
Beachcomber prioritises the use of natural fertilisers such as manure and compost, to avoid harming the biodiversity of our ecosystems. Additionally, we have primarily selected robust plants that require minimal care products and pesticides, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity.

Choosing endemic species
The endemic and indigenous species of the island are favoured in the landscaping of our gardens for their resilient features, as they are naturally adapted to our climate and require less water.

Our Artisans are at the heart of our Group, ensuring that each of our guests is warmly taken care of during their stay in Mauritius… Behind the scenes, they carefully tend to our tropical gardens, preserving their beauty every day.

A stroll in the gardens with Diane and Mélissa 

Diane Koenig, Head of Gardens at Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels, and Mélissa Daruty, Gardens Manager (Cluster West) and the nursery.

In the North…

5-star luxury Royal Palm Beachcomber Luxury
“The gardens had to reflect the elegance and the star rating of the Royal Palm Beachcomber Luxury. At the back, we opted for lush greenery that catapulted the entrance of the hotel in the heart of a tropical forest. The front, on the other hand, exudes simplicity, offering an expansive view of the horizon.”

5-star Trou aux Biches Beachcomber
“This garden is the result of extensive deliberation and was conceptualised during the complete renovation of the hotel. It offers a unique design: we started off by identifying all the beautiful trees we wanted to preserve on the old property plans and proceeded to adjust the placement of the new buildings around them. Each crescent has its own soul, with its own vegetation to match, allowing guests to navigate easily. The larger trees, like the almond and banyan trees, add a touch of character to the property, and the large volumes of rocks and groves provide adequate privacy to the rooms. It is a whole experience in itself!”

4-star superior Victoria Beachcomber
“Over here, the beach is beautiful, if not immense! It really is the asset of the property. Naturally, we chose to enhance its perspectives on the ocean as well as its panorama towards Port-Louis in the distance from the “Victoria for 2” wing. As a result, at the front of the hotel, the landscaping remains very neat. At the back, colourful flower beds are sprinkled throughout, adding a touch of charm to the property, and the balconies are adorned with trees to offer guests more privacy.”

4-star Canonnier Beachcomber
“This hotel is fortunate to have a superb natural setting. Its height allows for beautiful views of the lagoon, and it happens to be one of the only spots on the island where you can see both the sunrise and the sunset… During the renovation, our aim was less focused on creating a beautiful garden as much as it was on enhancing its assets, offering open views and magnifying the existing trees.”

4-star Mauricia Beachcomber
“At Mauricia Beachcomber, our goal was to highlight the natural charm of the beach all while maintaining a clean setting. With abundant vegetation, the environment surrounding the rooms is charming: on the ground floor, each guest has access to their own private terrace lined with endemic plants and sand. The apartments, on the other hand, are shaded by a large exotic banyan tree. All in all, think of it as a typical seaside garden that invites relaxation.”

In the West…

5-star Dinarobin Beachcomber
“This garden is just like the resort: elegant. It complements the architecture while drawing its character from Le Morne Brabant mountain, towering over it. Upon arriving at the resort, guests are enveloped by a serene atmosphere, almost losing track of time by the swimming pools, cocooned amidst the lush greenery. It is a true delight.”

5-star Paradis Beachcomber
“Paradis Beachcomber truly lives up to its name: nestled between the turquoise seas and Le Morne Brabant mountain, this property offers a spectacular setting. The landscaping has been skilfully crafted to highlight its assets, keeping them front and centre. Wherever you are in the resort, your gaze is inevitably drawn to the vastness of the ocean! I am also very fond of the large trees, standing as guardians of time, and I believe they deserve recognition.”

In the South…

4-star superior Shandrani Beachcomber
“The real beauty of Shandrani Beachcomber lies in its location. On one side, it is bordered by the Wild Beach surrounded by rocks and open to the ocean. On the other side, its tranquil beach along Blue Bay allows for guests to observe corals and fish in clear waters. These contrasting atmospheres are brought together by a large garden sprinkled with towering coconut trees… It is quite the experience: a garden at the crossroads of different worlds!”

The Nursery by Beachcomber
Operational since July 2023, the Nursery by Beachcomber is at the heart of Les Salines in Black River, close to the group’s upcoming residential and resort project, Harmonie. Covering an area of 7 acres, the nursery is rich in flora and benefits from an excellent microclimate…and indeed, the plants grow there at an incredible speed! In fact, anyone can now walk in to meet us and buy their own plants. Soon, we hope to conduct visits and workshops centred around themes that would educate visitors about nature and offer an enriching experience. I can’t wait to see this project unfold!”